News & Notices

ATTENTION BANK DRAFT CUSTOMERS: Beginning March 5, 2025, bank drafts will now draft on the 5th of the month instead of the 7th


Dear Customer,

With the beginning of a new year, we would like to take this opportunity to go over some of the policies of the City of Hardin.

Failure to receive bill does not excuse payment or late fee. The City is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAIL DELIVERY.

Utility bills are due by the 5th of each month. Then, penalties will be added.

There is a 10-day grace period to pay the bill with penalties added. After the 10-day grace period, on the 15th of the month, your utilities are subject to disconnection.

Once disconnected, a reconnection fee will be added. If you have both water and gas, your reconnection fee is the total for both water and gas.

The delinquent amount plus the reconnection fees have to be paid in full before utilities will be reconnected.

There are multiple ways to pay your bill. You can pay online, through the phone portal, the drop box at city hall, in person, bank draft or auto draft.

You can pay through the phone portal by calling (270) 437-4361 and selecting option 1. You will need your account number for that option, and that information can be found on your bill.

There is a drop box at city hall for after hours payment. Please do not drop cash.

We also offer bank draft payments or auto draft payments. You can sign up for bank draft payments in the office and will need a voided check. It will be drafted on the 5th of each month and will be reoccurring every month until you contact the office and let us know you want to unenroll. Auto draft payments are withdrawn on the 5th of each month from a debit or credit card. This payment option is also reoccurring monthly . This option must be set up by the customer on the website:

In the office, we can accept cash, check or credit/debit card.

If you choose to use a credit/debit card in any payment option, you will be charged a service fee.

If you have a payment returned from the bank for insufficient funds, you will be charged $50.00 by the City of Hardin in addition to whatever bank fees are charged. You will have 7 days from the date of notice to pay the amount owed in full by cash or money order. If restitution is not made, services will be disconnected for non-payment and there is an additional charge to reconnect services. In addition to service disconnect, the check will be forwarded to the County Attorney’s office for collection.

The City is not responsible for gas, or water piping beyond the meter. The City is not responsible for sewer lines beyond the city’s cleanout.

Tampering fees will be applied to an account if any equipment owned by the City of Hardin is tampered with or damaged. That includes damage to any meter, cutting locks off meters, or any other such action to City of Hardin property. The fee will be per incident.

City Limit Customers that have trash pickup service provided by Hall’s Waste Management, if there is damage to the trash can(s), you will be charged a fee for tampering and an additional charged by Hall’s to replace the trash can. The cost will be per trash can.


Reconnect fee Water- $20.00

Reconnect fee Gas- $25.00

Tampering fee- $50.00 per incident Bank returned payment- $50.00

Water Deposit- $40.00 owner, $100.00 Renter

Gas Deposit- $150.00 Owner, $275.00 Renter

Water, Sewer or Gas Tap- $1100.00 per tap

This is not a comprehensive list of policies, just a refresh on the most common questions/issues.

If you have any questions, contact city hall during business hours.


Hank Rogalinski, Mayor


P.O. BOX 57


(270) 437-4361




Dear Utility Customer:

As some of you may be aware, the City of Hardin has in the past sent letters to individual customers advising them of the delinquency of their utility bills.

Unfortunately, this process has become both overly costly and time-consuming for the City. Accordingly, the Hardin City Council has voted to change this practice. Customers will no longer receive a warning letter when their utility bill has reached delinquent status. Instead, THIS NOTICE shall serve as your only warning letter regarding delinquent accounts.

Hence, beginning on July 1, 2009, once a utility bill has gone unpaid by the DUE DATE printed on the bill (which is normally the 5th day of each month), that bill shall be deemed delinquent. If the responsible party does not request a hearing, IN WRITING AND PRIOR TO THE DUE DATE printed on the bill, or if the full amount of the bill, including any late charges/fees is not paid within ten (10) days following the due date printed on the bill, the utility service shall be DISCONNECTED. If a hearing is requested, IN WRITING and in a timely manner, the hearing shall be conducted during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hardin City Council, which is held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall.

The Hardin City Council having to make this change and is also sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. However, we can no longer justify the time and expense involved in sending out individual delinquent account notices every month. Please take careful note of these procedural changes. You will no longer receive any written notice advising you of a delinquent account. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to either pay the bill on time or to follow the procedures outlined above. If you fail to follow these procedures, your utility service will be DISCONNECTED.

Thank you very much.

May 31, 2009




P.O. BOX 57


(270) 437-4361



Dear Property Owner:

The City of Hardin has for some time now experienced difficulty with renters and/or tenants moving from place-to-place and leaving utility bills unpaid. Regretfully, the situation has become bad enough that the City is left with no choice but to take action. Thus, beginning July 1, 2009, it shall be the policy of the City of Hardin that the actual property owner, along with the occupant, will be held responsible for the payment of any and all utility bills, late fees, service charges, etc. Upon nonpayment, the City shall have the right to disconnect the utility service and shall further have the right to refuse to restore service until all outstanding amounts on the account have been paid in full, including any reconnect fees. This will be the case regardless of whether the account is in the name of the property owner or the non-owner occupant.

 Accordingly, if you are a property owner and you rent, lease or otherwise allow other persons to reside on your property, you should be aware that both you and your tenant/occupant can and will be held responsible for the payment of any and all utility charges on your property. It is therefore advisable that you take appropriate steps to protect yourself when renting and/or leasing your property, including, but not limited to, making sure that the City has a good phone number to reach you in the event the utilities to your property are at the point of being disconnected for nonpayment.